Some common mistakes that destroy employee engagement
Some common mistakes that destroy employee engagement
Employee engagement is of paramount importance when it comes to improving business results. The notion of efficiently framing employees’ experiences is focused on improving their engagement, aligning goals, boosting productivity and performance, reducing attrition, increasing accountability, aiding career development, and accomplishing goals.
While engaging employees is critical for driving performance, productivity, and retaining valuable talent, despite extensive research, it is seen that many organizations can not put much effort into strengthening the way employees are engaged in their organizations. In a scenario like this, a robust employee engagement tool can help organizations and leaders drive employee engagement effectively.
Before trying to find the best employee engagement software, it is very important to understand the gaps that affect employee engagement that can make it challenging for the organization to retain employees and ensure their high performance.
Here are some common mistakes that affect employee engagement in an organization:
Not giving enough feedback
One of the most common reasons behind an employee’s disengagement is the lack of satisfaction from the feedback that they receive from managers. It is the prime responsibility of managers to talk to employees regarding their performance and give them constructive feedback that can help improve their skills and knowledge.
When employees get the right feedback, they tend to be more engaged and feel that their contributions are valuable to the team and they are playing a major role in organizational development.
Fewer or no appreciation for good work
Sometimes employees are assigned tasks that are challenging and they give their maximum efforts in completing them within the given deadline. And after completion of the work, some managers either take the whole credit or do not bother to appreciate the effort put in by their team members.
In such a case, employees never want to put in that much effort again and lose engagement in their work. So managers always need to appreciate their team for all big and small achievements otherwise even highly engaged employees will lose their motivation and enthusiasm to work hard.
Setting unrealistic expectations
Goals should neither be too easy nor unrealistic to attain. It should be set in a way that the true potential of employees can reflect easily. The goals should be cascaded from the organization’s purpose so that the contribution of each employee adds real value to the organization.
Before working on goals and deadlines, managers should think of the impact of these goals on the organization and its work culture. If it is not, then the organizational goals will never motivate employees and promote engagement. Hence, unrealistic goals affect employees’ morale, cause lower levels of engagement and diminish employee productivity.
It is also very important that organizations help their employees achieve their goals by providing them with tools that can help them develop behavioral changes that can help them achieve their goals.
Lack of interaction with the team
Managers indeed have more responsibilities than executives, but they should not be emotionless. Instead of just focusing on task alignment, execution, and completion, managers should also focus on communication. They need to communicate with employees and understand their challenges.
If there is a lack of communication in the workplace, employees can never meet the expectations. Therefore, for meeting the organizational goals, managers should always focus on communication with the team to keep them engaged. For this, they can also use employee engagement platforms that conducts surveys, give feedback, and establish communication and collaboration across the organization.
Focusing only on faults
Mistakes are a part of human nature and everyone commits some or other mistakes at any point in their lives. Then how can we expect our employees to not take any wrong steps? The fact is that they sometimes make mistakes, but in the end, they are the only ones who complete their assigned tasks.
Managers should never focus only on mistakes and ignore the good works. Instead of taunting employees for their mistakes, managers should appreciate them for their accomplishments. This will improve employees’ engagement and make them more productive.
These are some of the best tips that companies should follow for keeping their employees productive and dedicated. It is true that in bigger teams it is difficult to focus on every individual’s performance and keep them on track. But, doing this is essential for both employees and the organization. So, for helping out the management, companies like entomo are the best employee management platform.
entomo is a modern performance management software built for the ‘future of work.’ Powering 30mn+ users, entomo enables ‘enterprises of tomorrow’ to drive people engagement, performance, and growth by aligning goals and nudging actionable insights to manage distributed & remote teams and build a tomorrow-ready workforce.
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